Let Go and Hold On

Let go of all of the lies;

Hold on to God’s promises.

Let go of false things you’ve been told;

Hold on to truths from the Word.

Let go of the love that has failed;

Hold on to the love of Jesus.

Let go of who you hoped man would be;

Hold on to who you know God to be.

Let go of the guilt and shame you carry;

Hold on to the grace God offers.

Let go of regrets and failures;

Hold on to the forgiveness of sins.

Let go of any condemnation;

Hold on to the freedom God gives.

Let go of the hopelessness in life’s circumstances;

Hold on to the hope Jesus extends.

Let go of sadness and depression;

Hold on to the joy of the Lord.

Let go of the darkness in this world;

Hold on to the light you can walk in through Christ.

Let go of the bondage that once held you down;

Hold on to the freedom you can experience.

Let go of worry, fear, and anxiety;

Hold on to the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Let go of your own dreams until they align with His;

Hold on to the plans God has for your life.

Let go of any false identity or label;

Hold on to who God created you to be.

Let go of anything holding you captive;

Hold on to the redemption of Christ.

Let go of your past;

Hold on to the future God has for you.

Let go of every word from the enemy;

Hold on to every word of the living God.

Let go of ungodly advice;

Hold on to Godly wisdom spoken into your life.

Let go of everything in this world;

Hold on to Jesus Christ and all He is.


Thoughts are difficult to control. 

Negativity can take a toll. 

Bad thoughts can exponentially grow,

They can try to replace the truths that I know. 


But good thoughts have the potential,

To be even more influential. 

The power of Jesus inside,

Can open my heart and eyes up wide. 


Memories race through my mind. 

I want to stop hitting rewind,

To quit replaying the same song. 

Reliving the past is wrong. 


All of the what if’s bring me doubt. 

What if I went down the wrong route?

What if I would’ve done something differently?

These negative questions harm me emotionally. 


My past is behind me. 

I’m ready to open my eyes to see, 

What Jesus has in store,

What is waiting through the next door. 


Every thought that comes into my head,

Needs to be processed before moving ahead. 

Is it in alignment with God’s Word?

Or is it something the enemy wants me to be told?


I command those thoughts to leave. 

It’s in this prayer that I believe:

God, remind me of who I am in you. 

Show me the things you want me to do. 

Replay your words over and over. 

Let your Spirit be my cover. 

Capture my thoughts and my attention. 

May your love be my only retention. 

Help me experience you in every moment,

To turn to you in times when I feel spent. 

Replace my doubts with confidence,

To jump over yet another fence. 

Restore my fearful being with unexplainable peace. 

Calm my soul and give me a release. 

Be my redeemer, rescuer, healer, father, and friend. 

I accept your love you give beyond the end. 

You’re my only source of comfort. 

You’re the only one I allow to set up fort. 

In my mind and in my heart,

You’ve been with me from the start. 

Let prayers surround me,

Let praise flow from within me. 

Let scripture replay in me. 

Let your love pour out of me. 

I focus on what is good, pure, holy, righteous, and true. 

You’re the one I seek in all I think and do. 

I trust in your powerful name to renew the thoughts in my head. 

It’s in you alone I come alive from the dead. 


It Is Well

Life is hard. 

Trials come. 

Nothing is easy. 

Storms rush in. 

Waves sweep over.  

Wind beats against. 

Rain pours down. 

Unexpected things happen. 

The enemy is relentless. 


It is well with my soul. 

No matter what comes my way,

I’ll choose to always say,

It is well with me. 


It is well with my soul. 

Circumstances don’t move me. 

I’m only moved by the spirit of God in me. 

It is well with me. 


It is well with me soul. 

God’s peace triumphs over fear. 

No darkness can come near. 

It is well with me. 


It is well with my soul. 

Even though I’m surrounded by my enemies,

God has already declared all my victories. 

It is well with me. 


It is well with my soul. 

Living my life surrendered to God’s will,

Makes everything else stand still. 

It is well with me. 


It is well with my soul. 

My life and my future are in His care. 

His presence goes with me everywhere. 

It is well with me. 


It is well with my soul. 

My joy and hope are found in Christ’s love. 

I trust the one who looks down on me from above. 

It is well with me. 


It is well with my soul. 

God has been with me from before my beginning. 

I believe He will be with me beyond my ending. 

It is well with me. 

The Water

It’s safe to wait on the shore,

To never open the next door.

The unknown is a scary place,

That none of us wants to face.

The other side looks so bright,

But there’s no way over there without a fight.

The waters are so deep and rough,

The journey appears so tough.

Faith without action is dead,

Regardless of the mysteries that may lie ahead.

So in Christ take the plunge,

Go forth with a lunge.

You feel like you’re about to sink,

Water surrounds you so you can’t think.

You’re searching for a life vest,

You’re in need of emotional and physical rest.

You feel like you’re drowning in the waves,

When Jesus comes in and saves.

In your most desperate search for air,

That’s when God will be there.

He won’t give you all the answers.

He will simply remove your anchors,

So he can carry you across the water,

When you can’t swim any longer.

He may let you experience heartache,

But he won’t let you break.

He’ll bring you to the other side,

If you’ll allow him to give you a ride.

While the journey across looks impossible,

With fears and doubts that seem plausible,

You have to learn to trust and follow,

The One who’s in charge of your tomorrow.

He won’t let you drown,

In fact, He’ll never let you down.

He will wrap His loving arms around you,

And in the storm, His peace will surround you.

You will make it out of that water,

And become even stronger,

Than you ever thought you’d be.

Just wait and see!

God has so much in store,

For those willing to leave the shore.

Step out in faith now,

God always wins somehow.

Once he brings you to dry ground again,

He will show you how to begin,

The new journey that lies ahead.

Don’t wait on the shore and live like the dead.


Are there giants in your life that must fall?

Begin to name them all,

To give them a label,

So the Lord can clear them from your table.

Is fear present in many forms,

To intensify life’s storms?

Does it whisper in your ear,

And always show its evil rear?

Does fear prevent you from living free?

Does it tie you down like a deeply rooted tree?

Do endless worries flood your head?

Does anxiety make life a dread?

Let your fears be replaced with faith in the Savior.

Know Him more intimately than before.

Your worries will begin to fade away,

As He becomes your only way.

You don’t have to be afraid,

Because you were chosen and made,

By the living, holy God from above.

Receive his never ending love.

Does rejection speak up, too?

Even though you know it’s not true,

Lies tell you that you don’t measure up,

That you’re not worthy to drink from His cup.

Have you felt the hurt and the pain,

As rejection pours down like rain?

Do you feel like you don’t belong?

Or that no one even notices something’s wrong?

You don’t have to feel rejected;

You’ve been more than accepted!

You’re already a member of His squad.

You are a blessed child of God.

Is comfort your hidden giant,

Sometimes making you defiant?

Do you want to stay in a place that you know,

But God is calling you to go?

Don’t let comfort hold you back,

Listen, obey, step out, attack.

Don’t let comfort hinder God’s plan.

Be brave and be bold because you can.

Then comes the giant of anger,

One of the instant sources of danger.

It starts out small,

But can grow bigger than them all.

If you don’t learn to forgive and let go,

Anger will stir and grow.

It will take over your heart,

And pull you away like a cart.

Deal with the anger in your heart.

Get rid of it before it tears you apart.

Let go of all the wrong,

Jesus will carry you along.

God will destroy and avenge,

There’s no reason to seek revenge.

Forgiveness is the key,

For you to truly be free.

Are your addictions real and powerful?

Are they symptoms of something hurtful?

Do you try to mask that hurt and pain?

Addictions will give you no gain.

Are you stuck in the vicious cycle of addiction?

Do you run to an empty promise for a solution?

Your addiction won’t leave you alone,

It calls your name from a megaphone.

Addictions are merely a mask,

Dealing with the cause is the task.

Replace the addiction with something real.

An addiction to Jesus is more than ideal.

Nothing will take away the past hurt,

Except the One who made you from the dirt.

He knows your every pain,

Let Him be your shelter from the rain.

The only answer to these giants,

Is the true God who always triumphs.

If you will seek him out,

He will answer your honest shout.

Soak up His presence in every moment,

Let his Holy Spirit always be present.

Dive into His scripture,

It’s there where you’ll find a cure.

Your giants cannot stand,

When God is at your right hand.

Allow Him to heal and change you,

By trusting Him in all you do.

His truths speak loud and clear,

If you open up your heart to hear.

Read His Word and memorize,

Let his love surround and mesmerize.

He goes before you;

He’ll never leave you nor forsake you,

His plans are perfect in every way,

He’s good every single day.

Humbly come to him and pray,

Surrender your life to him today.

Give him complete control,

He’ll make sure you’re always full.

With every breath you take in,

Let his love embrace you from within.

He’s all you’ll ever need,

He’s more than enough for you indeed.

There’s no room for evil,

In a heart made to fill,

The earth with God’s glory.

Go tell the world His story.

Give God all the glory and praise,

Sing His praises for endless days.

He’s the reason we walk in freedom,

For at the cross He paid our ransom.

You can be giant-free.

Jesus overcame for you and me.

Claim His power and victory now,

He’s faithful to His vow.


I want to do this on my own.

I want to be all alone.

I don’t need anyone around.

I’m not trying to be found.

I want to hide,

No matter how high the tide.

I’m strong, independent, and stubborn.

All connections need to be torn.

Please don’t ask me to explain,

I’m trying to avoid the pain.

I need to find the strength,

To be able to go the length.

Let me crawl into my little dark hole,

So that one day I can be whole.

I can put a smile on my face,

And pretend to enjoy this race.

This is my only world,

No matter how dark or cold.

So leave me alone and let me be.

I only want it to be me.

Save Me

Lord, save me from this life.

I’m not made to be his wife.

No matter how hard I try,

I can’t help but cry.

I do all I can to try to prevent his rage,

But I’m stuck in his cage.

He wants to emotionally devour me,

As if I’m his horrible enemy.

He enjoys watching me suffer,

Maybe it makes him feel tougher.

It’s an uphill battle I daily face.

It’s a never ending race.

I never know what to expect,

I am not sure when he’ll decide to disrespect.

He’s fine during certain times or days,

But in a second he can be hotter than sun rays.

I try to escape and leave,

Then a glimmer of hope that I falsely believe,

Keeps me from letting go.

I stay here even though I know.

I hide my anxiety and fear.

I’m careful about whom I let near.

No one needs to know my secret.

In my shame I will leave it.

I cry out to God in prayer and song.

Oh how I yearn and long,

For him to rescue me and take me in,

But where do I begin?

I pray for peace and stillness,

And for him to guide me out of the wilderness.

I know I need God’s spirit to lead,

Then, I need to listen, indeed.

This is my final plea.

Don’t let this be,

The only life I get to know,

Because I hate it so.


The act of betrayal is the card I was dealt.

It hurt worse than anything I’d ever felt.

How could anyone be so cruel?

I was supposed to be his treasured jewel.

He told me lie after lie,

When I ever questioned why.

He told me it was my fault for finding out,

So I’d have something to feel guilty about.

It happened over and over again,

I knew he’d never be able to abstain.

Each time hurt as much as the first.

In fact, the last one hurt the worst.

Didn’t he love me?

Didn’t he see in me any beauty?

Did he simply want something new?

Did I not do all the things he wanted me to do?

How did he expect me to feel?

The pain was unbearable and unreal.

I wanted to be his one and only.

Instead I was left to be lonely.

I couldn’t look into his eyes the same.

He made me feel so much shame.

How could he expect me to be intimate,

Or even think about being passionate?

I forgave him and continued to stay,

When I should’ve gone on my way.

I tried giving him multiple chances,

But he chose to continue with other romances.

How can I learn to trust?

How will I ever learn to adjust?

I felt worthless and unwanted.

There’s no feeling quite like unloved.

I won’t ever be the same,

But I’m not going to live my life lame.

I’ll pick myself up and move on,

I merely want these bad feelings to be gone.

Now God is my husband.

It’s to Him that I’m bound.

He’s always faithful,

He made mebeautiful.



I often wonder, “why?”

And ponder when I’ll ever get to die.

For I know that on the other side,

Life will be a joyous ride.

Why can’t I live in peace?

Why am I an isolated puzzle piece?

Why can’t I fix this mess?

Why do I have all this stress?

Why do I live in such fear?

Why do I tremble when he is near?

Why do I continue to stay?

Why do I think there is no other way?

Why can’t I be bold and strong?

Why do I keep holding on for so long?

Why do I like to feel the hurt?

Why do I want to be walked all over like dirt?

Why doesn’t anyone notice or care?

Why doesn’t anyone stop or stare?

Why can’t anyone hear my cry?

Why do I bother giving life a try?

Why does everything seem so dark?

Why are my emotions as dull as bark?

Why does God think I can handle this pain?

Why does it always seem to rain?

Why do I want to give up instead of look up?

Why doesn’t God overflow my cup?

Why is it so complicated and hard?

Why can’t it be like a walk in the backyard?

Instead of wondering why,

I choose to let God help me fly.

I let go of all my fears and doubt,

I will allow God to carry me out.

So take me in your arms and hold me tight.

I give up on this worldly fight.

You alone can save me,

I’m ready, down on my knee.