

I often wonder, “why?”

And ponder when I’ll ever get to die.

For I know that on the other side,

Life will be a joyous ride.

Why can’t I live in peace?

Why am I an isolated puzzle piece?

Why can’t I fix this mess?

Why do I have all this stress?

Why do I live in such fear?

Why do I tremble when he is near?

Why do I continue to stay?

Why do I think there is no other way?

Why can’t I be bold and strong?

Why do I keep holding on for so long?

Why do I like to feel the hurt?

Why do I want to be walked all over like dirt?

Why doesn’t anyone notice or care?

Why doesn’t anyone stop or stare?

Why can’t anyone hear my cry?

Why do I bother giving life a try?

Why does everything seem so dark?

Why are my emotions as dull as bark?

Why does God think I can handle this pain?

Why does it always seem to rain?

Why do I want to give up instead of look up?

Why doesn’t God overflow my cup?

Why is it so complicated and hard?

Why can’t it be like a walk in the backyard?

Instead of wondering why,

I choose to let God help me fly.

I let go of all my fears and doubt,

I will allow God to carry me out.

So take me in your arms and hold me tight.

I give up on this worldly fight.

You alone can save me,

I’m ready, down on my knee.

Author: poemgirl5

I’m on an incredible journey of faith. I give God all the glory for everything he’s done so far in my life. I want to share my experiences in order to encourage others.

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